Build custom AI solutions

Build custom AI solutions

Build custom AI solutions

Create an entire network of context-driven AI assistants that deliver rapid and precise responses.

Create an entire network of context-driven AI assistants that deliver rapid and precise responses.

Create an entire network of context-driven AI assistants that deliver rapid and precise responses.

Custom AI solutions
Custom AI solutions

Build context networks

Build context networks

Create custom AI solutions by constructing networks of chatbots based on isolated contexts

Create custom AI solutions by constructing networks of chatbots based on isolated contexts

Create an isolated context

First create an isolated context - a batch of information that a chatbot instance will use in future conversations. Let's say in our example we'll use an Italian chef which will recommend dishes from Italian cuisine.

First create an isolated context - a batch of information that a chatbot instance will use in future conversations. Let's say in our example we'll use an Italian chef which will recommend dishes from Italian cuisine.

Create more contexts

Create more contexts

Now that we have that saved let's create two additional isolated contexts - for our example lets say a Chinese and Indian cuisine chefs.

Now that we have that saved let's create two additional isolated contexts - for our example lets say a Chinese and Indian cuisine chefs.

Combine into a network

Combine into a network

Now combine the isolated contexts into a context network we can call something like 'restaurant' or 'food recommendations'.

Now combine the isolated contexts into a context network we can call something like 'restaurant' or 'food recommendations'.

Ask the network

Ask the network

Now you can talk with the whole network at the same time! If you ask about a dish with chicken and pasta the Italian chef can respond Carbonara, the Chinese might respond Lo Mein and the Indian may respond 'NO' if it doesn't have a recommendation. Obviously this is just a simple example and the real possibilities are a lot bigger!

Now you can talk with the whole network at the same time! If you ask about a dish with chicken and pasta the Italian chef can respond Carbonara, the Chinese might respond Lo Mein and the Indian may respond 'NO' if it doesn't have a recommendation. Obviously this is just a simple example and the real possibilities are a lot bigger!

Train an army of
AI Assistants

Train an army of
AI Assistants

Train an army of
AI Assistants

It's as simple as providing the Key and Team for your request and inserting values from your dashboard. You can also use GraphQL Zeus for our API Client.

It's as simple as providing the Key and Team for your request and inserting values from your dashboard. You can also use GraphQL Zeus for our API Client.

It's as simple as providing the Key and Team for your request and inserting values from your dashboard. You can also use GraphQL Zeus for our API Client.

npm install graphql-zeus























fetch('', {

headers: {



['Content-Type']: 'application/json',


method: 'POST',

body: JSON.stringify({

query: `{ ** YOUR QUERY **}`,



Start using GraphQL AI today

The fast, flexible and free AI app.

Start using GraphQL AI today

The fast, flexible and free AI app.

Start using GraphQL AI today

The fast, flexible and free AI app.